I know I have been a terrible blogger lately. I have had quite a bit going on and sometimes it's not always easy to write here. After my sister Jamie didn't come back to Tennessee with me I had a really hard time trying to understand all that happened with her. I am still struggling and heartbroken about it especially now knowing how long she may be in prison.
I am 12 weeks pregnant now... Today was the first day I didn't have to take the Zopran for nausea. I did start to feel sick around dinner time but once we ate I started to feel better. I would love to not have to take it but it is totally safe and since it helps so much I will if I have to. I do have a pooch I guess you could call it. :) I didn't show with Andon until around 20 weeks but this time around it's a little sooner. I don't have to wear maternity clothes or anything but my clothes feel tight. I think I will start taking some pics soon to post here. :)
We spent last week at some of our favorite people's cabin in the mountains in Georgia. It was such a nice relaxing week. It did rain the whole time we were there but that didn't stop us from enjoying ourselves. I did take a few pics of what we were up to. Here are some of Jared and Andon putting together a Lego airplane.

Andon made a small one while Daddy was making the big one.

The finished product.

We spent a lot of our time at the different creeks and rivers nearby. One of the places we stopped had a rope swing that we couldn't get Andon off of. He loved swinging out over the river. I decided to do it also and as soon as I left the land the rope came out from under my foot and I was just hanging on! I had to hold onto this knot while I swung way out over the river and back. Needless to say I didn't do it again! :) Here is my little guy on the swing.

Here is my sweet guy just looking out over the water. :)

Now we're back home and have company once again. My other sister Jodie called us a few weeks ago and asked if she and her kids could come and stay with us for a little while. She is going through some really hard things and we are trying to help her through this. Please pray for her. I do have some fun pics to come of the kids. My sister has a 5 year old boy and a 1 year old little girl. Andon is loving having them here! We got a fun idea from my creative friend Brittani to go on an ABC Mall scavenger hunt. The boys loved it and I took tons of pics to post here soon.