2. And another coming into it.

3. I have gone to the grocery store twice before 11 am. (needed lentils for a soup i'm making for dinner and forgot the 1st time).
4. I have sang Twinkle Twinkle little star approx. 100 times. :) My littlest loves it.
5. Adelyn got new socks at Target this morning.

6. I have posted at least 5 pics on Instagram. A little trigger happy. :)
7. I plan on cleaning my house. I should be doing that now because Adelyn's asleep and Andon is resting. hmmm
8. I don't have to run. It's a rest day on my 12 week half marathon training schedule. yay!
9. I actually remembered to put my wedding rings on before I left to run errands this am. I usually forget.
10. I plan to get lots of snuggles with my boy. I really hate it when my kids are sick. Something feels unsettled in me until they are better.
Happy Wednesday!
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