Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jordan and Briana

My sweet niece and nephew. They came along with Jodie and her family last weekend. So of course I took pictures of them too! I usually like to take pics of all the kids at the end of each year. But the day before we took these pics Andon took a nasty spill on the driveway and scratched the front of his face up pretty good. So, we're planning on getting them all together again for take 2.








Cody, Kylie and Cayden

I love these sweet little ones. Last weekend we did a mini photo shoot with both of my sister's kids. These are just a couple of the pics of Jodie's kids.

Cody and Cayden.


Cody and Ky, with a sassy look on her face.











And just for fun.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pirates and Pumpkins

Last weekend, my sister and her family came to visit. She has three kids, Cody, Kylie and Cayden and she also brought along my other sister's kids, Jordan and Briana. We packed as much as we could into 2 and 1/2 days and had so much fun doing it!

Kylie getting ready to carve a pumpkin.


Andon checking out the face that Daddy drew before he starts to carve.


Here are two of the finished products.


We also made caramel apples, rode bikes, scooters and tricycles all day. Went for wagon rides around the neighborhood, played at the playground, played football, basketball, wii and hide and go seek.


Another fun thing we did was photo sessions for both of my sister's kids. I wouldn't call myself a photographer but some of the pictures came out great. I'll do another post this week with some of the finished products.

And last night was Halloween. We had so much fun taking the kids trick-or-treating in a near by neighborhood. Lucky for Andon, Jared is all about Halloween. They really get into the costumes and what Andon is going to be each year. This year he was a Skeleton Pirate.


Jared was an Army Ranger.


And Adelyn was just a precious girl wearing Halloween colors! Haha! Maybe next year i'll get her a costume.




Here she is trick or treating for her first time. It was so cute hearing her say it! At least we all thought it was, the guy handing out the candy was a little, i don't know. Just funny. He didn't see the big deal in our sweet little one saying "trick or treat" for the first time. :) But we certainly ate it up!



Today is November 1st, looking forward to spending the month focusing on Thankfulness. And also, celebrating my boy turning 8!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2010 - 2011














It's amazing how much they change in a year!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Froggy Books and Cowboy Boots

We're still trying to get into a rhythm of what our school day should look like around here! Adelyn is switching from two naps at 10 o'clock and two o'clock to now one nap at 12:30. I like to start school at nine but this year haven't been able to start until she goes down for her nap and it's messing up my stilo!!

I had a few days where i'd gotten all flustered about not being on a good schedule. But this week I decided to just go with the flow and see where that takes me. We were still able to get all of our schoolwork done and have lots of fun in the mean time.

So for now our mornings are full of play time, art projects and crafts, book reading, dress up, walks to the park and dancing. (My kids are major music lovers!)

These Froggy books are some of Andon's favorite "fun" books to read. He has all these and more that I couldn't find when I took the pic.



And little miss is a serious lover of shoes!! I got her these cowboy boots when she was a lot smaller. We've tried them on a few times and now they finally fit!


As soon as she wakes up in the morning she starts saying "shoes".


We're enjoying the weekend with Papa over. Taking it easy and not worrying about a schedule! And come Monday i'll continue to work on getting in the groove of this new school year!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Skeletons in the Closet

No, this is not the post where I start telling of a bunch of crazy secrets i've been hiding!

It's about my 2 skeletons playing in the toy closet today. Andon had these jammies from last year and today we were walking through the store and saw this pink pair. He insisted that Sis have them too.


I've got to admit. When I was pregnant with Adelyn, I wondered how well a 7 year old and a 1 year old would play together. Up until now they haven't really played together at all. Just recently he's been sitting on the floor with her and getting a bunch of toys out. Mostly her's because he doesn't really want her touching his. But he has always been so sweet and gentle with her. Watching them play today was great. They were taking x-rays of the bear and taking turns treating the bears medical needs. :)


Adelyn adores her big bro. Her new thing is giving kisses and we all LOVE it. Here she is laying one on Andon. After this she immediately came to give me one. Then Daddy heard they were being handed out and came out of his office to get one too. We've got to make sure nobody is being left out!



Not too soon after all the happy brother and sister play, Adelyn spotted a ring pop sitting on the kitchen table all by it's lonesome. So, like any smart woman she took matters into her own hands and climbed up there and got it.


But it wasn't long before Andon spotted her licking all over his ring pop and took it back. Sorry girl, one day you'll get your very own ring pop!
