Today we are finishing up packing the apartment. We leave out of here this Friday around 5 am. This last week here in Tennessee will be pretty busy between Dr. visits, last minute packing, picking up records from our Dr.'s here and so much more. I am a definite list maker. I've had one going for two weeks now. Some things get crossed off and more added but I don't think anything will be forgotten.
I just wanted to quickly update on where we were and what we are up to. I am 20 weeks pregnant now and if you aren't friends with me on facebook then you don't know that we found out that we are having a GIRL!!!! We are so excited around here! I haven't gone a bought anything yet but I have been SO tempted! :) Jared took a picture of me yesterday so I could post here. Not the greatest pic but at least you can see my belly.

Last week we went and had dinner with our friends Jeff, Elizabeth, Peggy and Ian. We had so much fun hanging and letting the kids all run around. We took some pics and I said I wouldn't use them anywhere but I lied. I just love these girls and am gonna miss them both so much.

It has been a great year here in Tennessee. I am looking forward to moving back to Florida to be close to our family and friends but will really miss it here. It is a beautiful place to live and raise a family and who knows we may be back. :)