Well we've been home for almost two days and have finally gotten settled in. There was so much to do when we got here that I couldn't find any time to get on the computer! I have so much to post so i'll just write a little now and a little later. :)
The drive to and from Florida was long but Andon and Sadie (our dog) did so well. We made the drive in a little over 10 hours each way. Jared and I played the animal game (think of as many animals that start with the letter A, then B etc.) numerous times and we played 20 questions. And on the way home talked a lot about things we wanted to achieve in 2009. Here is my little stinker in the car.
As soon as we got to my parent's house all Andon's cousins were waiting for him! They had so much fun playing all week together! Here are a couple pics of the boys... Jordan, Andon and Cody and my brother Roger.
And here are the girls.. Briana and my new niece Kylie. She's three months old and absolutely adorable!!
Another one of my sweet Kylie girl. I miss her so much already.
So, we got to my parent's house on Saturday evening and Sunday around lunch time Andon and I headed to Orlando to spend some time with our friends. We first went to Brittani's house and stayed the night there. The kids had so much fun playing on their new playground and dressing up in costumes. Here are a few pics from that day.
The next day we went over to Cassie's house. Andon had a blast playing outside with his friends ALL DAY! Here is a pic of the boys.
I only have pics of Andon and his friends but I had a great time with mine too! :) After all the fun with our friends we headed back home to our family. We had a great time visiting with everyone and celebrating Christmas at home. Here is a pic of Andon and Cody opening one of their gifts...
The trip home was very good. We got to see everyone for at least a short time. I did get a little sad when I drove to Orlando. The sun was shining, it was around 72 degrees and everything looked and felt so familiar. I was just really missing everything and everyone. But the time I spent with them was so great and I look forward to seeing everyone again soon!!
Love the pics. I'm so glad you had a fun trip! I wish we'd gotten more time together! Get us that info about the Nashville Run and we'll decide between that and SeaSide!
Love you,
I miss you guys already. It was so nice to see you & chill at Walmart & Toysrus... random... I wish we could have spent more time together. I am definitely on board with some sort of Girl's Trip... Lets start planning NOW. Love you
It was so much fun to get to hang out with you! I'm glad we were able to get all the kids together to play. I'm also glad that Andon didn't really get sick.
I am so ready to have a girls trip!
still hate that I missed you...glad you are home safe and that your holidays were good!
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