First i'll start with my sister Jamie's graduation. She never graduated from high school so when she got here to TN part of her "Life Plan" that Jared and I put together was to continue her education. Last week she did just that! She got her GED and the county we live in put together a graduation for all the students. I am very proud of her and so happy she got to experience this! Now, off to college girl! :)

Last weekend was Andon's last soccer game of the season. We have had so much fun watching him play! I am almost positive we'll be signing him up for the Fall and maybe Jared will be coaching the team! Andon has never received a trophy before so he was pretty excited to go to the pizza party/trophy presentation even though he had a pretty nasty cold. Here we are at the party and him with his first trophy!

Then Jared and I went to Andon's school for his graduation/end of year program. It was so fun watching all the kids sing and dance. They called out each kid and said what they wanted to be when they grow up. Andon said he wanted to be a fireman. What little boy doesn't I guess. :) After the graduation we had a big ice cream party with all the classes. I am happy but sad that this has come to an end. He starts Kindergarten in the Fall and I will be homeschooling! I am really excited about this new venture but will miss my 10 hours of alone time each week. :) Here is a funny pic of him during the program. All the kids hands are down but my sweet boys are up! He goes to his own tune people. I LOVE him! :)

And here he is at the ice cream party..

And today is his last day of school. They are having a beach party so he got to wear his swimming trunks and flip flops. I took a lot of pictures and some video with my little flip so maybe i'll try to upload that later. Here he is with a few of his "sons" before school this morning. He always takes two to three of them to school, I think this is very cute! He gets so upset if you don't call him a "big boy" but you better believe he'll be crying his eyes out if we forget to take a son to school! :)

Here he is with his sweet teacher, Mrs. Evers. He loves her so much and will really miss her!

Other than all of this fun stuff. We have almost been here in Tennessee a year now! I got a notice from the apartment saying our lease is coming up for renewal and was so surprised at how fast time flies. I have to say that I am really starting to enjoy it here! I still have things I go through like missing all of my sweet friends and family and having accessibility to the beach! But I feel changed. I sense growth in myself and my husband. It is very exciting when you can see it, feel it and just know that God is doing some amazing things in you! I am looking forward to the future for wherever He has us!
Love to you all,
Love the update! Congrats to Jaime and sweet Andon!
And I can't believe it's been almost a year! Wow! I'm so glad that you are feeling more at home now. God's got such great plans for you :)
Love ya!
Welcome back to blogging, girl! I love all of your pics. I miss you so much! Andon looked so cute in the play :) Isn't it funny how proud you feel when your kid gets on a stage?! I feel like such a sap when I tear up while the kids sing 'old macdonald' ... ha ha ha... you know you are a mom when...
So glad to see you a post :) I'm glad you are feeling more settled and growing. That is awesome!
btw, Jordan is planning a sleepover for his birthday party and Jakob and Andon are the 2 boys he wants to invite. I don't have the heart to tell him that I don't think Andon can drive 12 hours for a birthday party :)
love right back at cha!
So glad you guys had a good year! Boy it sure did fly! I am praying for your precious sis!! Have a good one!
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