As you can see, I have once again changed the title to this old blog o'mine. :) I started this blog in 2008 when we moved to Tennessee and called it "The Road Ahead." Once we were there and settled it felt like a strange blog title to have so I renamed my blog "The Three Of Us... living in the moments". Loved that title but then we had Adelyn so it wasn't the three of us anymore! So I renamed it "Today is All We Have" to write about living right here and right now. I loved that name too but it just wasn't feeling right. So I was laying in bed one night and the simple but meaningful statement of "Living, in the moments" came to my mind. I thought it was just perfect!!
I, like so many other's am watching life fly by and my children grow before my eyes!! Jared and I are always saying to each other "life is good right now, our children are little, we are in a good place." And it is so good. No, not perfect. We have our fair share of hard times too but we really do enjoy life right where we are wherever we are.
Speaking of that, we are going to be moving again!! Still here in Orlando but somewhere else. We're gypsies I tell ya! Not looking forward to moving but looking forward to having a back yard for my kids to play in and maybe for me to grow a garden in. :))
We have so much more going on in our lives that we'll talk about later. :) For now I'll leave you with pics of my sweet ones.

Sweet new blog title and pics!
Where ya moving too?
Thanks Jaime! We're not sure yet. :)
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