Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Silly Photo Shoot!!!

Just some fun little pics of me and Andon goofing off... :) ~Jen


Anonymous said...

Oh what sweet pictures!! Thanks for sharing! :) Love, Christie

Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...

Cute and fun! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love that you are blogging =) you are so good at it too!!! Great pics! miss you guys!

Brandi said...

Aren't you guys just adorable? What can we say?!

Love you bunches,

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I am glad I got to come over the other day. Sorry Natalie had such a crying fit, she has never done that before! Please don't forget to call if you come to Citrus on Sunday. I'd like to see you once more before you move.


Kelly said...

you're such a fun mom Jen!

Anonymous said...

very fun, he is just to cute! I am so gonna miss that kids, you too ofcourse!

Jackie Sue said...

Getting all caught up on my blog reading this afternoon....what sweet posts!!! Love these photos. Thinking of you. love, js