I've been meaning to blog but can't find the time to do it. I have so much going on and keep finding myself walking in circles around the house! We are moving in three weeks. I just started to pack but find myself starting in one area, leaving and going into another before I was even done in the first. So my house feels like a big mess. Andon is having some dental work done in two weeks. He just had his tubes taken out of his ears this week so no swimming for 2 weeks. That's a long time for a boy who LOVES to go to the pool! He has a physical scheduled next Friday. I am getting my sister's kids for the weekend. Jared and I are going to Nashville next week to find a house and visit Andon's school. And that's a whole other story.. He's going to preschool!!! If you know me you know how big of a deal that is. He is very excited! I can't believe he will be 5 in November. He is getting so big. So, with all of this crazy stuff going on at the same time I keep remining myself of Pastor Jon's message this week to chill out and not worry. Matthew 6:25-34 27"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" 34"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." I know that everything will work out the way it's supposed to. I just have to get through it all and remain calm. ~Jen
Here are a few pics of my little guy looking all grown up. We were heading out for the dentist so he had to bring his sunglasses.

This is actually a pair of Jared's old sunglasses so they look a little big but he prefers them over any kids glasses.
Love the glasses!!
3 WEEKS?!!! What? That can't be right!
We need to plan a going away girl's night out!! When are you available with this crazy schedule?
What a big man! He is SO cute! Love the blog! Your family is just so sweet.
Jaime Larg....
Oh what cute pictures!! I can't believe you are pulling out in only three weeks!! I am getting sad! Christie
He's so tall! 5...wow, the time flys by! I'm glad you are coming back for women's retreat. Let me know if you need a job! ha!
What 3 weeks???? I forgot we are that close to August..we need to get together and take some pict for the kids.
FYI...Abbie is planning to come to vistit!
He looks HUGE in those pictures!! Oh my! Tell him that is unacceptable to me! wow. . .
I can't believe you are leaving. It doesn't feel real. Can it just not happen?
Love you,
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