Our sweet Adelyn is 5 months old today! She is growing and changing so fast! I'm not sure of how much she weighs but I am certain she has gained since last month! :) In the last month she has started to roll over LOTS! She also gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Little thing is ready to crawl! I remember when Andon used to rock back and forth like that, it was so cute.

She wears 3-6 months clothes and size 3 diapers. Still breastfed only, except for the bananas I gave her twice. I put a piece in a little mesh fruit holder and she sucked it all out! She loved it! I'm going to start giving her rice cereal and some more fruits and veggies this week. Still eats every 3-4 hours during the day and every 4-5 during the night. I am hoping and praying for a longer stretch of sleep at night here soon because this mama is tired!

Everything that is in her hands goes straight in the mouth!! She is drooling quite a bit but I don't see or feel and teeth yet. She just adores her big brother, they are very cute together. He loves to put on shows for her and she just cracks up at him.

We love you so much Adelyn!! You are the most precious little girl and we are so thankful you are ours!
I have a whole other post to write about the fun thing we did today for her 5 month birthday.. So excited to share!! :)
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