To name a few...
My husband has made a huge change in his career. He has been the Creative Director for a great company for the last 12+ years. Over the past year we all have been feeling like the season in our lives call for us to spend more time together, focused on the important things. To say we are excited is an understatement. He will continue to work for them but on a part time basis and from HOME! He also started his own design business a few years ago and is going full force with it. I am so happy for him and so proud of him. It is a lot of hard work and stress for him right now but I know the payoff will be great!
We are so happy to have him home with us. He's in his office A LOT but that doesn't stop us from visits throughout the day and family lunch together.
The next thing is that we moved...again. When Jared's company moved us to Tennessee a couple of years ago we rented out our house. When we moved back her lease was still in effect. So some sweet friends of ours rented us a house that they owned. After lots of thought and prayer added with the job change and our tenants lease coming to an end we decided to move back and put our house on the market. So when this house finally sells we will be looking to rent a small cottage style house with a fenced in yard for the kids to play in. We are in the process of simplifying our lives. Focusing on what is important to us.
Some other news.. Andon started 2nd grade this week!! We are very excited about this school year. With Daddy working from home he is going to be able to be a little more involved in school. He is going to be covering Science and of course, Art. His office looks half way like a school room too with Bones of the Body posters and books and posters of the solar system. (Sorry no pics tonight.)
And our sweet Adelyn is literally running around the house all day just a talking up a storm. She attempts her ABC's and 123's! She loves to say "Mom" "Mama" "Ma" over and over. But my favorite thing she say's right now is "I LOVE YOU"... Oh my, it's adorable.
Thanks to anyone who hangs with us here on this blog. I certainly love having a place to update and talk about our life (just not the most consistent blogger out there!! :))
The only pics I have tonight are a couple of Adelyn I snapped before she went to bed. I haven't even used my camera in the last month. But don't get me started on Instagram! Love it! So those will probably the majority of pics I post for a bit! :)

To anyone who's interested. Here's the link to my hubby's website!
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