Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

We are so excited for Christmas around here!! This is the first year we have been alone as a family in our own home!! We have loved getting to spend Christmas morning with our family all these years (either at their homes or ours) but are looking forward to it just being us in the morning. :)

I have monkey bread sitting in the fridge and ready to be popped in the oven as soon as we wake up.

Today was such a fun and relaxing day. We had no last minute shopping to do so we had the whole day to just be together. I have been wanting to snap a few pics of the kids with their Christmas clothes on so today we did just that.

Does she not look like such a big girl in these pics!?!?

That was just a few of the fun pics we got today. Unfortunately we weren't able to get any with us all together because we couldn't find anywhere to set our camera down. Boo...
But, i've already asked a sweet friend (who is a great photographer :)) to take some family pics after the holidays. So looking forward to that!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!! I've gotta go snuggle with Santa. :)

1 comment:

Brittani said...

the pics are sooo cute :) what a precious little family you have