Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Sis

I'm just missing her so much. It has been a year and four months since I last had my arms around my sister. We were only supposed to be driving to Florida to bring her kids back to their Dad.

But she had other plans.

I've gone to visit her in the jail she's in but it wasn't what I had expected. They make you visit through TV monitors, she was in a totally separate building. I could see the place where she was which made it so much harder knowing that she was right there.

Unfortunately we took Andon to see her and that was very confusing to him. He has asked to see her again but we're not taking him. I put him on the phone when she calls and they write letters back and forth.

Her birthday is December 28th and I have an appointment to visit her again. I really am looking forward to seeing her face and finally introducing her to Adelyn.

Jamie was there with me through the hardest part of the infertility. She and I would cry together while I was aching for another child. She truly hurt for me and with me.

And that story is nothing short of amazing! When I returned home to Tennessee without her (we lived there at the time, have since moved back to Florida) I found out that I was pregnant! After 3 and 1/2 years of trying to conceive!

We had had Jamie living with us for over a year and that was her third time living with us. But this time was different, she had made tremendous progress. She held a job for the first time in years, she got her GED!!!!! for goodness sakes! We were SO proud of that accomplishment for her! She was attending regular NA and AA meetings. She was growing and changing and it was awesome to see.

But her addictions ended up winning in the end. She is still awaiting trial for the crimes she committed. When that day comes I will be there to take a stand for her and be a witness to the person that I know she is.


Brittani said...

what a sweet post about your sister... we will keep praying for the whole family as her trial approaches.

The Mac's House said...

That was one of the sweetest testaments of LOVE that I've ever read. Personal and heart felt, honest and raw all at the same time.

Praying for your sister, I know that it is hard to see her in that situation. Believe me I know......
